Persona 4 Social Link Guide – Emperor Bahasa Indonesia

Pada Persona 4 Social Link Guide kali ini kami akan membahas tentang Bagaimana cara untuk meraih MAX Social Link untuk Emperor Arcana. Emperor Arcana ini di pegang oleh Kanji Tatsumi, Berikut adalah detail untuk Guide Persona 4 Social Link Emperor Arcana :

Hari Ketersediaan
Wed O
Sat O
Sun O
Rain X


  • Weekdays: Practice Building 1F
  • Holidays & Sundays: Shopping District, North


  • Mulai dari 9 Juni, pergi ke sekolah, di Learning Building 2F, ada seorang siswa perempuan yang terletak di dekat Tangga tengah. Dia akan menyebutkan tentang orang-orang yang Mengancam Kanji. Setelah Anda berbicara dengannya. Pergi mencari Kanji di Gedung Praktek 1F. Bicaralah padanya dan pilih pilihan pertama “Yes I do.” untuk mengaktifkan Tautan Sosial.

Catatan lain

  • Hari terakhir untuk menghadiri Social Link adalah 27 November (Meskipun 27 November adalah hari terakhir Anda masih dapat meningkatkan commu dengan nongkrong pada hari Minggu)
  • Max Social Link Item: Cute Strap

Poin diperlukan untuk Rank UP

Rank 1: 0
Rank 2: 0
Rank 3: 2
Rank 4: 2
Rank 5: 4
Rank 6: 6
Rank 7: 4
Rank 8: 5
Rank 9: 6
Rank10: 6

Ranking level 1 ke 2

Kanji: She’s always apologizing for me. She’s been sprouting more and more white hairs…

Choice W/O W
Apologize to her. +2 +3
You just need to change +3 +3
That’s what kids do. +2 +2

Ranking level 2 ke 3

Kanji: … …

Choice W/O W
Get ahold of yourself.
Let’s hurry.
What happened?

Kanji: Sorry. Looks like it was no big deal…

Choice W/O W
That’s good.
I don’t blame you.
You wuss.

Kanji’s Mother: He’s always had trouble getting along with people. He didn’t have any friends like you before.

Choice W/O W
Because of his hobbies?
Because of his looks?
Because of his attitude?

Ranking level 3 ke 4

Kanji: Ughh… When you met Ma at the Hospital… She say anything about me?

Choice W/O W
Plenty +3 +3
Nothing in particular. +2 +2
I forget.

Kanji: Oh, uhh… I’m gonna go now.

Choice W/O W
Violence isn’t the answer. +2 +3
I’ll go with you. +3 +3

Kanji: Oh… Anyways, sorry “bout dragging you into this…

Choice W/O W
Too bad that you didn’t find it.
That was boring.
you’re giving him a new one? +2 +3

Ranking level 4 ke 5

Kanji: Er…

Choice W/O W
Just tell him the truth.
This old man here made it.

Kanji: Hah, he said I’m cool…

Choice W/O W
It was pretty amazing. +3 +3
Don’t get cocky. +? +2

Ranking level 5 ke 6

Kanji: Strange situation I got myself into, ain’t it?

Choice W/O W
Its good for you.
You’re not happy?
Looks like a pain…

Ranking level 6 ke 7

Kanji: That okay with you “big bro”?

Choice W/O W
Don’t call me bro. ? +3
Yeah go ahead. ? +3
I want to learn too. +3 +3

Kanji: There’s something else I gotta confront too, ain’t there?

Choice W/O W
Your weak heart.
Your past.
I’m drawing a blank.

Ranking level 7 ke 8

Police Officer: … Come with me.

Choice W/O W
On what charges?
Kanji didn’t do anything. ? +3
You got a warrant? +3 +3

Police Officer: Hmph, so you admit it. Not a shread of remorse, either.

Choice W/O W
it’s a misunderstanding.
He was just being nice.

Police Officer: What a load of… There’s no way you’re getting me
to beleive that.

Choice W/O W
Believe it! ? +3
The truth is the truth. ? +2
Tell him, Kanji. +3 +3

Ranking level 8 ke 9

Kanji: Its the first time I went on my own… Well, I had a lot to tell him.

Choice W/O W
Tell him? +2 +2
Why didn’t you go before? +2 +3
How was it? +3 +3

Kanji: As long as there’s someone like that snot-nosed kid to accept me, I ain’t afraid of nothing!

Choice W/O W
Good for you. +3 +2
Find more of them. +2 +3
Your own self?

Ranking level 8 ke 9

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