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Persona 5 Confidant Guide Sun – Toranosuke Yoshida

Persona 5 Confidant Guide ini mencakup Sun Arcana yaitu Toranosuke Yoshida, kami akan menyertakan pilihan apa saja dan berapa poin optimal yang bisa kalian dapatkan disetiap pilihan tersebut.

Untuk Arcana yang lain silahkan kunjungi halaman Persona 5 Confidant Guide kami.

Angka yang diwarnai biru memiliki poin terbesar.

Perhatikan bahwa kamu harus memiliki persona dengan Sun Arcana di inventory saat hangout dengan Yoshida untuk mendapatkan poin maksimal.

Persona 5 Confidant Guide Sun


Rank Unlock
2 Diplomacy
3 Fundraising
5 Manipulation
8 Mind Control
MAX Charismatic Speech


Untuk membuka Rank ini kamu harus bekerja di Beef Bowl Shop dua kali lalu berinteraksi dengan Yoshida di tempat dia berpidato. Setelah membantunya dua kali kamu akan membuka Sun Confidant


Respon 1 I want to change the world. +0 I want to improve my speech. +2 I’m not sure… +0
Respon 2 One with conviction. +2 A popular one. +0 I don’t know yet. +2
Respon 3 That was helpful. +2 I knew that already. +0 What I want to accomplish? +0


Respon 1 Yes, Mr. Yoshida told me. +0 No, and I don’t care. +0
Respon 2 His message. +2 No His speaking skills. +2 It’s hard to say. +0


Respon 1 Stop interrupting him. +0 You’re annoying the audience. +0 Just shut up and listen. +0
Respon 2 Yep. +0 What do you think? +0
Respon 3 The ex-convict has a point. +0 Listen to what he has to say. +0 So what if he’s No-Good Tora? +0
Respon 4 I couldn’t help myself. +2 I just spoke the truth. +0


Respon 1 I think so. +2 Don’t let your guard down. +0 The media doesn’t matter. +3


Respon 1 I’m for them. +2 I’m against them. +0 I don’t really care. +3
Respon 2 I’d decline. +3 I’d take the offer. +0 I’d leave it to chance. +2


Respon 1 You should decline. +2 That’s a sweet deal. +0 I wasn’t paying attention. +0
Respon 2 He’s not No-Good Tora. +0 Call him Mr. Yoshida. +0 He’ll get elected this time. +0
Respon 3 That’s not for you to decide. +0 Maybe… +0 I still believe in him. +0


Respon 1 Are you going to do it? +0 Don’t do it. +0 That’s a difficult decision. +2
Respon 2 Stick to your beliefs. +3 Clear your name. +0 Get elected. +0
Respon 3 What good would that do? +0 So what if you’re right? +0 …… +0


Respon 1 Do your best. +3 Break a leg. +0 I’m getting nervous. +2
Respon 2 What are you talking about? +0 You had a change of heart. +2 …… +0


Respon 1 Your true self was revealed. +3 You’re going to be popular. +2 Don’t let your guard down. +3
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